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Evelyn Namara

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Evelyn is A4AI’s Project Manager and Researcher. She joins the team as a consultant working closely with the A4AI team and the more extensive Web foundation staff on project management and research. As the project manager, she works with A4AI technical assistance projects and internal programs.

Evelyn is a technology enthusiast whose passion is to create ICT4D solutions that impact societies and communities. She loves working on issues at the intersection of Technology and Public Policy. She’s led multiple tech4dev projects in her native Uganda, including founding a fintech startup that works closely to distribute and disburse life-changing goods and services to beneficiaries.

Her last role was managing the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Community Engagement at the Internet Society. She worked closely with different stakeholders and project teams to deliver value to SIGs. In addition to managing SIGs, she was responsible for bringing together the ISOC community through running InterCommunity events for ISOC members to collaborate, share and learn from each other.

Evelyn is involved in Internet Governance work and was a two-time Internet Society Ambassador to the IGFs in Brazil and Mexico, a two-time ICANN fellow, and an AfriSIG fellow. 

Evelyn is very passionate about empowering women in ICT and has mentored and trained numerous women in technology as a trainer for AfNOG and AfCHIX in the past. 

Evelyn holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree from Makerere University, A Diploma in Sustainable Business and Responsible Leadership from the Swedish Institute. She is an INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Programme alumni.

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