A global coalition working to make broadband affordable for all

Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Technology


2021 Africa Summit for Women and Girls in Technology

This African Summit on Women and Girls in Technology (ASWGT) focuses on how ICT policies and plans can further the rights and interests of African women. It engages African women in the ICT to discuss policy solutions in key areas.These include affordable broadband, women’s rights online, access to information and creation of more relevant content, services and capacities.

The 2021 Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Technology will take place online on October 11th and 12th. Register to attend!

See the agenda.


2018 Africa Summit for Women and Girls in Technology

The 2018 Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Technology is a collaboration between the World Wide Web Foundation, Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), African Development Bank, Internet Society, Ministry of Communications Ghana, Open Society Initiative for West AfricaUN Women, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Germany, Google, Facebook and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Invitation Letter

See the program | English | French

Workshop Information

2016 Africa Summit for Women and Girls in Technology

The 2016 Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Technology was a collaboration between the World Wide Web Foundation, Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), Ghana­-India Kofi Annan Center of Excellence in ICT (AITI­-KACE), African Development Bank, and UN Women.

Read the 2016 Accra Summit Action Plan

Check out photos & a short video of highlights

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