This post was originally published by the Web Foundation.
We’re pleased to share that the Web Foundation has been welcomed to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) family as a member of the ITU Development Sector (ITU-D). As a member of ITU-D — which is the arm of the ITU responsible for creating policies and regulations around the development of the ICT sector in developing countries — we will have further opportunities to influence ICT policy on a global level, and to strengthen our shared mission of enabling affordable access to and meaningful use of the internet for everyone.
Our membership in ITU-D will allow us to increase our engagement with the ITU beyond our current active participation in the EQUALS Global Partnership — a network of governments, companies and organisations working together to close the gender digital divide.
Remarking on the news is Sonia Jorge, Head of Digital Inclusion Program, Web Foundation and Executive Director, Alliance for Affordable Internet:
“It’s a great opportunity to further strengthen our collaboration with ITU and with public-private partnerships that the ITU hosts. ITU membership represents a cross-section of the global ICT sector and we look forward to bring the perspectives from the Alliance for Affordable Internet and Web Foundation to the discussions and collaborate with ITU members to forward our mission of an open and affordable internet for everyone.”
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