A global coalition working to make broadband affordable for all
Home Get Involved Membership


Would you like to be part of a broad coalition working to enable everyone, everywhere to access the life-changing power of the internet? We are always looking for new members and partners to join the Alliance.

Membership Requirements

All members are expected to:

  • Promote the Alliance’s goals, principles and agenda
  • Endorse the A4AI Policy and Regulatory Good Practices (available in Spanish)
  • Agree to use the organisation name and logo in promotional materials
  • Engage in the Alliance’s work through annual membership contribution, technical assistance, and/or other direct engagement.

Membership Benefits

Membership in A4AI provides numerous opportunities to collaborate with prominent players from the private, public, and civil society sectors to shape a unified voice focused on addressing the shared goal of an open internet with access that is affordable to all in the developing world. >> Learn more.

Membership Categories


Public, private and civil society organisations that operate in more than one country or whose work or research spans more than one country.

A4AI members make an annual financial contribution to the Alliance to make country engagement activities possible. Membership categories are based on the level of contribution:

  • Global Sponsor ($300,000+): foundation, corporate, or other entities providing core financial support
  • Sponsor ($100,000+): foundation, corporate, or other entities providing major financial support
  • Partner ($25,000+): foundations, donors, and developing market-based private sector companies
  • Supporter (in-kind to $5,000+): NGOs, public sector, social enterprises, small- and medium-sized companies, inter-governmental organisations

Local Partners

Organisations that operate and are focused in only one country.

  • Local private sector companies ($2,500+)
  • Local NGOs (in-kind contribution)

In-Kind Contributions

All members are encouraged to contribute in-kind donations in four crucial areas, which would be potentially budget-relieving and would enable the Alliance to balance its budget:

  • Office costs – office space, internet access, office supplies, printing
  • Equipment – laptops, phones, software licenses
  • Communications – website support, social media, marketing, publications, promotional materials, editing, translation services
  • Venue support – providing free or low-cost venues for A4AI meetings and events, catering, event support staff

Ready to become an A4AI member?

Please complete the application form, and we will  will contact you about next steps when we have reviewed your application.

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©2008-2022 Alliance for Affordable Internet. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence