Mark your calendars! The 2018 Affordability Report will launch on Tuesday, October 23, and will represent the fifth edition of our annual research to determine how well countries around the world are implementing the policies needed to advance affordable internet access.
As we approach 50% global internet penetration, how are countries working to drive internet prices down and accelerate progress toward universal, affordable internet for all? This year’s report will assess the state of affordable access policy across 61 low- and middle-income countries. It will also include an in-depth look at how geography impacts affordability, and how policymakers can work with the private sector and civil society to ensure that the costs borne by both industry and consumers come down.
The 2018 Affordability Report will be launched at a4ai.org/affordability-report on October 23. Sign up here to be emailed the report when it’s released, or follow us on Twitter @a4a_internet for the latest updates.
Media who would like to request an embargoed copy of the report should email press@webfoundation.org.
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