A global coalition working to make broadband affordable for all

Affordability Index

Top Five Emerging Countries

Top Five Developing Countries

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Welcome to the Affordability Report – an in-depth annual research initiative produced by the Alliance for Affordable Internet. The report represents part of our ongoing efforts to measure policy progress toward affordable internet.

The 2021 Affordability Report, released in December 2021, takes stock of connectivity trends today to suggest a new future for Universal Service & Access Funds. It builds from broader theories of industrial policy — namely the ‘moonshot thinking’ that relates to the public-private partnerships that sent the first human beings to the moon — to re-examine the shortcomings of USAFs today and propose new ways forward for these institutions.

Do you have any questions or comments about the report? Eager to share your own experiences with work to implement policy toward affordable internet? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us, or find us on Twitter @a4a_internet and on Facebook.

Interested in reading previous editions of the Affordability Report?

2020 Affordability Report

The 2020 Affordability Report, released in December 2020, calls for governments to develop effective national broadband plans to make internet access more affordable and enable more people to connect. We focus on three steps to success when it comes to broadband plans: open consultations, clear targets, and committed funding.

2019 Affordability Report 

The 2019 Affordability Report, released in October 2019, points to a lack of competition in broadband markets as a major barrier to affordable access — and explores how governments can shape healthy, competitive markets supported by public access solutions to deliver affordable and meaningful connectivity for all.

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2018 Affordability Report 

2017 Affordability Report

2015-16 Affordability Report

2014 Affordability Report

2013 Affordability Report

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