We’re excited to share with you our latest Country Affordability Report, which looks at affordability in Dominican Republic — the progress made and policy changes needed to drive broadband prices down. The report was officially launched at last week’s coalition meeting in Santo Domingo, and is available in both English and Spanish.
The Dominican Republic country snapshot builds on findings from our global 2017 Affordability Report, and takes an in-depth look at the country’s progress across five different policy areas. Though the Dominican Republic does now meet A4AI’s “1 for 2” affordability target, with 1GB of mobile broadband priced at 1.6% of average monthly income, the cost to connect remains out of reach for many, including the country’s extensive rural population, and the 32% living under the poverty line.
In order to best address the challenges facing Dominican Republic’s affordability landscape, our report outlines a number of policy recommendations, including:
- Designing and enacting a new broadband policy;
- Strengthening the national institutional framework;
- Adopting a new ICT fiscal policy framework; and
- Ensuring all ICT policies are gender-responsive.
For more country and regional snapshot reports visit this page.
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