A global coalition working to make broadband affordable for all

Policy & Research

A4AI believes in sound policy recommendations informed by robust and objective research. On this page you can find out more about our recommended Policy & Regulatory Good Practices, discover our detailed Affordability Report, delve into our collection of Case Studies and explore a wide range of affordability research in our Knowledge Bank.

Best Practices

Between our 80+ members, A4AI has hundreds of years of experience in the policy and regulatory arena. Drawing on this accumulated knowledge, A4AI has produced an outline of policy and regulatory good practices demonstrated to drive down the cost of Internet access. All of our members endorse these practices, and they form the backbone of our advocacy work.


We believe that key policy levers to drive down prices include allowing innovative allocation of spectrum, promoting infrastructure sharing, and increasing transparency and public participation in regulatory decisions.


The full set of A4AI good practices can be downloaded in both English and Spanish.

Affordability Report

A4AI’s flagship annual research project is our affordability report. The report is part of our ongoing efforts to understand why some countries have succeeded in making Internet access more affordable, accessible and universal, and what others can do to catch up quickly. Read the latest report and access updated data and materials at the Affordability Report dedicated hub page.

Case Studies

A4AI publishes two types of case studies – thematic case studies and country case studies.




Universal Access and Service Funds in the Broadband Era: The Collective Investment Imperative | 2015

The Impacts of Emerging Mobile Data Services in Developing Countries | 2016

Redefining Affordability: Adopting a “1 for 2” Target to Enable Universal, Affordable Access | 2016

Mobile Data Plans in Kenya: Quantifying Women’s Access to the Digital World | August 2017




These short case studies briefly analyse the current state of broadband affordability in the following countries, including the policy environment, challenges and opportunities facing each nation in their work to make broadband truly affordable.




Cameroon | August 2014

Ghana | March 2014

Ghana Infrastructure Sharing and Open Access Study | March 2017

Nigeria | April 2014




Brazil | August 2014

Dominican Republic | February 2015

República Dominicana (en español) | febrero de 2015

República Dominicana: Infraestructuras Compartidas del Telecomunicaciones | febrero de 2017

Peru | July 2014

Perú (en español) | julio de 2014




Bangladesh | June 2016

Myanmar | March 2015

The Knowledge Bank

A4AI members produce a large amount of high-quality research on affordability-related matters. We aim to highlight relevant and timely pieces of research by member and other leading organisations which we believe will be of value to our community.


To view and download recent reports, please visit: https://adi.a4ai.org/category/policy-research/members-research/

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